Methods of association of Accounting lessons

Methods of association of Accounting lessons

As part of the methodological association, seven teachers are teaching students to train professionals in the fields of Accounting, Economics and Planning.

    Education and training in the following subjects are provided for the training of secondary professionals in the above-mentioned specialties:
  • State regulation of social and economic development of Turkmenistan.
  • The economy of agriculture.
  • Planning, organization and management of agricultural production.
  • Taxes and taxation.
  • Accounting.
  • Finance and Credit.
  • Statistics.
  • Economic Theory.
  • Analysis of household chores.
  • Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship.
  • Marketing.

In addition to providing modern education to the students, the professional teachers of the methodical association, including the digital education concept and the digital economy, use the newly developed teaching technology, equipped with state-of-the-art communication equipment in various classrooms with digital video tutorials. Fully equipping classrooms with modern computer technology helps young people to be educated and professionally trained. Taking advantage of the facilities created in the classrooms, teachers organize each of their classes at a high level through projectors.

Well-educated and out-of-school and enthusiastic young people are interested in world news and they regularly appear in newspapers and magazines. They also take part in competitions for fiction within the school, including poems that glorify the Motherland, our Honorable Arkadag.

The students of the Methodist Association actively participate in state-level class competitions and achieve gratifying results.

The school book "Planning, organization and management of agricultural production" prepared by the teachers of the methodical association O. Shallyev and K. Kaipova, and the publication of this book by the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan in 2016 testifies to the high level of training, which is organized in accordance with international standards.